Today we talk to your unhealthy digestive system is cause your health problem. Your stomach is like a second brain. It may seem like a crazy idea, but that’s the way it is.
It is a very intelligent organ that is responsible, in a certain way, for taking care of the integral health of all your internal functions and for everything to react as it should.
It’s all about balance and knowing what nutrients to choose when it comes to the health of your digestive system.
When your digestive system malfunctions, it is likely to be starting to become contaminated and to let you know, sometimes very subtly.
That’s why you should pay attention to these symptoms that indicate that your digestive system is suffering and that can affect your overall health.
Here we write 8 signs your digestive system is causing health problem
1. Constant feeling of fatigue
The constant feeling of exhaustion is a visible sign that something is not working properly in your body. If your digestive system is weakened by a poor diet, the activity of the immune strains decreases.
Your body is composed of bacteria. However, if your intestine is full of harmful microorganisms and does not balance with good bacteria, your immune system may be deficient because it is weakened.
Therefore, if you notice that your health has worsened, it is better to look at it if your digestive system malfunctions. Continue reading: Insomnia; Understanding its Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
2. Your skin problems never go away the perfect skin
Have you heard about the cartography of the face? This is a method that determines what part of your digestive system works poorly through the spots that form in certain areas of your face.
The skin is the largest organ you have. If something goes wrong inside you, you can be sure that your face will reflect it.
Your cheeks are a great indicator that your digestive system needs help. Pay attention to redness, pimples, irritation and any other symptoms. Keep reading
3. You have a feeling of anxiety or irritability
The brain is directly related to your digestive health. Thus, if you feel anxious, depressed or easily irritated, it could be a clear sign that you are sick.
There are millions of neurons in your intestinal part that make up your enteric nervous system.
Good bacteria in the intestine are those that have positive effects on your mind. If these bacteria have little presence, the bad will make theirs with your brain.
4. You suffer very often from infections
This is somewhat similar to the feeling of constant tiredness. Frequent infections are a clear indicator that your digestive system is malfunctioning.
When your immune system is weakened and deals with harmful bacteria, you do not have time to fight stomach infections.
When you have a good general health, your defenses have enough strength to level the bacteria and protect you to fight against the problems.
5. Suffer from bad breath
When your digestive system malfunctions, you begin to have accumulations of yeast, infections and bad bacteria in your digestive system. This can produce bad breath and acid tastes in the mouth.
That is why, although bad breath can be caused by many different reasons, it is also a clear indicator that there is an excessive growth of harmful bacteria in your intestine.
These could deteriorate your health quickly. If your bad breath is persistent, you’d better start investigating what the reason is.
6. You have constipation
If habitual, constipation can be very harmful to your health. Remember that your feces are the waste that your body eliminates because it has nothing good to extract from them.
If the waste stagnates in your body, they begin to release the toxins inside. When your bowel is healthy, the bowel movements are regular and free of pain.
In fact, constipation is one of the most obvious ways your body uses to tell you that your digestive system is malfunctioning.
7. You have low levels of concentration
This could be something similar to feeling tired often.
When you have a feeling of irritability and constant stomach upsets, it is unlikely that you can ignore it to concentrate 100% on the activities you do throughout the day.
This happens because your body is very intelligent and, if you notice that your health is deteriorating, it will send you signals so that you begin to solve what is wrong.
All you have to do is start paying attention.
8. You have trouble sleeping
Like your bowel movements, your sleep patterns are a key indicator of the good or bad health of your bowel. If you can sleep soundly through the night, it is very likely that you have a healthy bowel.
In case it costs you to sleep frequently at the same time it could be indicative of the dysfunction of your digestive system.
The good news is that regaining the health and proper functioning of your bowel is not very complicated.
You just have to start taking care of your digestive system more seriously, consume probiotics and eat a diet that suits your body’s needs to maintain an internal balance.
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