Custody is a sensitive, personal, and complicated matter. You may have been accused of wrongdoing. In some scenarios, you may be the one who is challenging a custody case. You need to know many things about this process to make an educated decision. The following are things you need to know about custody cases.
Fraudulent Parenting
When embroiled in a custody battle, it is not uncommon for the other parent to file for custody under pretenses. The courts are aware of this. When you are accused of fraudulent parenting, the court will carefully look into your case. Suppose the judge concludes that you were working in good faith to care for your child correctly. In this case, you can rest assured that you will be able to visit your child regularly and continue doing what is best for them.
Guidelines For Custody Decisions
According to legal experts like Cordell & Cordell law professionals, the judge who presides over your court case must consider several factors before deciding on custody arrangements. The judge will consider factors such as the child’s age, both parents’ ability to raise the child, and what they want for their child in this process. Essentially, the court keeps a record of the child’s needs and wants, with input from both parties. It is essential to understand these guidelines to use them when you are petitioning your case.
The Effects of a Vacancy Order
A court may allow one parent to have sole custody of a child if another parent moves away from that family due to domestic violence or drug-related abuse. If a parent is given sole custody under this situation, they will no longer be allowed to see the child. Law firms like Cordell & Cordell call this a vacancy order. Parents in this situation should understand that this is not a punishment. However, it is a way of offering protection from potential abuse from the other parent.
A Custody Battle Can Be Costly
If you are accused of fraud or other wrongdoing, there are significant legal fees that you will need to pay. The charges are incurred to defend yourself and hopefully win the case. A custody battle is emotionally draining and can also be very expensive. Any money spent on attorneys’ fees will likely be deducted from what is left after both parents have been awarded child support payments.
Suppose you are going through a divorce or separation soon. In this case, it is crucial to start thinking about how you want your parenting arrangements to work out. If you and your spouse cannot agree, seek counsel from a family law attorney. The legal professional understands the nuances of such a family situation. They can help you find the best path for your situation.