Shoes are not always something that features that heavily in men’s minds when it comes to fashion. Statistics show that shirts and t-shirts are more likely to be the main feature along with a few good suits. Shoes are not something that you should forget about. They can make or break an outfit and you […]
Mens designer shirts have been a highly coveted item for a long time. The increase of sales, however, has been noticed online more than on the high street. EJ Menswear is a viable option for gentlemen looking for these garments. E-commerce websites also provide online customers with many other products. Although clothing is one of […]
You want to look and feel your best so you are ready to jump into the health and beauty world, but not all health and beauty products are created equal. Here are four things you need to consider before buying those products. 1. Ingredients When looking at the ingredients it is important for the ingredients […]
You may have heard of a capsule wardrobe, which is a popular method for creating a wardrobe full of clothes that compliment each other but without having twelve of the same item. The idea being that you pick items that can be interchanged with one another to create countless outfit choices. There are however some […]
The long and abundant eyelashes have become a trend more than makeup lovers love. Unfortunately, with the passage of time and due to the constant use of mascara or curling iron, the lashes begin to fall, which is why they resort to eyelash extensions or inserts, but we must be careful when applying them.
Do you still have dandruff no matter how much you wash your hair? Here we will tell you the reason, check out these tips to eliminate dandruff and follow our recommendations. Dandruff is a problem that we can all suffer at some point in our lives; it is an annoying condition that consists of excessive […]
Buying is an almost sacred ritual. Going from store to store, searching for the required garment, comparing prices, fabrics, models, and styles is an activity that requires time and dedication. It cannot be done lightly. Some people think that it is easy to buy: you enter the store of your choice, choose, test, and decide, […]
Being an elegant woman goes beyond wearing clothing and accessories of luxury brands, is synonymous with good taste, attitude, education, and class. In this post, we will discuss how to be a more elegant woman with some simple tricks. It is a lifestyle that only some women decide to adopt, but being elegant is not […]
The stress of daily life given the current rhythm of society is translated into our body in the production of free radicals that oxidize and age the body cells, also our hair. This cellular oxidation is the main responsible for aging and is the common goal of researchers trying to fight against this oxidative factor. […]
The evolution of women’s beauty has gone through many fashions. In all of them, the woman has been forced to change and adapt to the social tastes of the time. In this article, you can see a brief summary of the changes and transformations that the woman’s body has undergone throughout history. Beauty is undoubtedly […]