Effective tips and natural properties for dandruff free hair

Natural properties for dandruff free hair

Do you still have dandruff no matter how much you wash your hair? Here we will tell you the reason, check out these tips to eliminate dandruff and follow our recommendations. Dandruff is a problem that we can all suffer at some point in our lives; it is an annoying condition that consists of excessive desquamation of the scalp cells. In this article, we give some tips and natural properties for dandruff free hair.

The skin frees frequently dead cells that are detached naturally or with the help of an exfoliation, the cells that make up the scalp are not the exception to this rule, however, when dandruff appears we are facing an increased detachment speed that can due to multiple causes.

Effective tips and natural properties for dandruff free hair

  1. Effective tips and tips to eliminate dandruff
  2. Treatments for dandruff
  3. Natural remedies for dandruff

Here we show some effective recommendations that you should know and tips to eliminate dandruff and show off your hair in its entire splendor.

1. Effective tips and tips to eliminate dandruff

To control dandruff it is necessary to know its origin, these can be:

  • Bad habits in hair care
  • Use of inappropriate products for your scalp
  • Stress
  • Oily skin

These causes can be controlled and eliminate dandruff from its origin. Bad habits can be avoided by adopting new ones, for this, you need at least 21 days of good healthy habits for washing and hair care.

It is demonstrated that this is the number of days that a person needs to adopt a good healthy habit.Healthy habits for washing



Hair products tend to accumulate on the scalp causing dandruff if you notice that a product causes you dandruff, change it to another or alternate its use with other products.

Stress is a condition that alters our entire body, for dandruff caused by stress you should only control the causes that lead to suffering from this condition and apply relaxation techniques frequently, such as mindfulness.

If you suffer from oily skin then it is likely that excess fat leads to the peeling of the skin.

A fatty scalp occurs when, paradoxically, we have dry skin; therefore it is necessary to nourish our scalp using products such as olive oil and avocado masks.

If your hair is oily, anti-dandruff products will only make your problem worse, since they tend to dry the scalp, which in turn stimulates the production of fat.Stress

2. Treatments for dandruff

If attacking dandruff from its origin does not work, then you must resort to the following methods:

Anti-dandruff shampoo for dandruff free hair

It is the most basic treatment for dandruff; these shampoos contain active ingredients such as:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Pitch
  • Ketoconazole
  • Zinc pyrithione
  • Selenium sulfide

So that its effect is the expected one it is necessary to wash the hair every day with the shampoo and let it act for 5 to 10 minutes while massaging the scalp with the tips of the fingers.

You should rinse the shampoo with plenty of water to avoid residues that irritate the skin and cause dandruff, itching or irritation. Use warm water; you should not use cold or hot water.

It is necessary that you alternate shampoos with various ingredients and active ingredients to prevent your skin from adapting to the components.

Use hydro alcoholic lotions after washing the hair to combat dandruff. Brush your hair every day and do not touch it with your hands, the grease and dirt of the same contribute to dandruff.Zinc pyrithione

Read the ingredients of your shampoo, if it contains lauryl sulfate and you use it frequently it will dry out your scalp causing more dandruff.

Eat foods rich in zinc; a deficit of this mineral can cause dandruff. The foods that you should consume are:

  • Pork
  • Nuts
  • Oysters
  • TurkeyNuts

3. Natural remedies for dandruff

You can complement all these tips to eliminate dandruff with natural remedies, such as the use of dandruff shampoos and other treatments.

If your shampoo only dries your hair and causes more dandruff, then it is necessary that you migrate to other types of products such as natural ones; if the problem persists you should consult a dermatologist to find a cure for your dandruff.

Lemon juice for dandruff free hair

Apply the pure lemon juice on the scalp, it will burn, but you should let it act for 20 to 25 minutes to take effect. Lemon is a natural astringent that will eliminate the causes of root dandruff. Then wash your hair with normal shampoo.Lemon juice for dandruff free hair

Olive oil for dandruff free hair

Place olive oil on your hair and massage with the tips of your fingers for about 10 minutes. Then wash your hair as you normally do.

If you need a quick remedy to dandruff for an important event, soak your scalp with olive oil, wrap it with a hair cover and leave on all night.

When you wake up wash your hair, you will notice that you do not have a gram of dandruff.

Egg yolks for dandruff free hair

Mix two egg yolks and apply them on the dry scalp. Cover with a hat and let it act for one hour.

Wash your hair by repeating the shampoo twice to leave the hair clean.Egg yolks for dandruff free hair

Fenugreek seeds for dandruff free hair

They are one of the most effective remedies against dandruff; you must grind a spoonful of these seeds and let them soak in two cups of water at night.

When washing the hair, apply this water at the end and let it dry.

Baby oil for dandruff free hair

As with olive oil, baby oil is used to combat dandruff. Massage a little of this oil on your scalp, wrap in a towel and leave on overnight.

Wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo when you wake up.Baby oil for dandruff free hair

Sodium bicarbonate for dandruff free hair

Instead of using shampoo you can use sodium bicarbonate, this product acts in various ways in the body and to eliminate dandruff is one of the best options. Moisten your hair and massage a tablespoon of baking soda on the scalp, let it act for a minute and rinse it.

This remedy will give results in two weeks when your scalp regains the ability to generate its natural oils.

Baking soda and lemon for dandruff free hair

Combining two natural remedies is also a good option; mix a tablespoon of baking soda with lemon juice.

Apply on the scalp and let it act for a few minutes. When you start itching, rinse your hair.Baking soda

Coconut oil for dandruff free hair

Like other oils that you can use, coconut oil is a good remedy for dandruff.

Wash your hair as you normally do, do not use conditioner and dry it.

Apply coconut oil to your scalp, not your hair. Massage and rinse your hair again, you should probably use shampoo.

Apply this treatment once a week until dandruff disappears.

Tea tree oil for dandruff free hair

Use a shampoo with tea tree oil, it is a natural antiseptic and helps eliminate dandruff. Use the shampoo and let it act for five minutes.

Use it every day until dandruff disappears.Tea tree oil for dandruff free hair

Mouthwash for dandruff free hair

It is a good option to prevent dandruff, after applying all the tips and effective recommendations to eliminate dandruff it is necessary to prevent its reappearance, for it uses mouth rinse once a month. Mix 1 part mouthwash with 9 water, and rinse your hair with the mixture when you finish washing. Do not rinse it and fix your hair as you normally do.

Dandruff is a problem with a solution; you just have to be constant with all the existing remedies to control it.

We hope you will like these tips and natural properties for dandruff free hair. We want your comments and suggestions to improve our ideas.

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