How to Get Your House Ready to Sell

If you are thinking of putting up your house for sale to market there are a number of things that you can do to get it prepared for the first viewers to arrive. Selling a home is almost an art and whilst there is help in the shape of Stroud Estate Agents like TGRES there are a few pointers that you should have in place.

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  1. Clean the carpets/mop the floors. This might seem like an easy win but if you want the seller to not demand that the carpet is replaced before the sale you might want to go and get some professionals or do it yourself with a Rug Doctor.
  2. Repaint the walls. A fresh lick of the good stuff might be in order. Make sure you do it well before the potential buyers come around otherwise the smell will still be in the air.
  3. Bake bread, make coffee. One smell you should have in the atmosphere is the homely smells of some welcoming cooking. This is especially true if you want to have a family move in. Make them feel like it could work for them.
  4. Clean the windows. Again you need to get a professional to do it so that they look gleaming.

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  1. Ask the neighbours to keep it down for a bit. Perhaps they are sad to see you go or maybe you’ve never met them until now but it might be a good idea to give them a heads up you’ve got potential buyers on the way,


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