Essential Tips For Choosing Concealed Carry Clothing

Choosing Concealed Carry Clothing

Everyone has their method of concealed carry. Some carry in a pocket, some use an ankle holster, and others carry a shoulder holster. The clothing you wear is a critical factor in concealing your weapon. To maximize the ability to draw your gun, there are a few things you should consider before buying new clothing.


In the concealed carry world, the fabric is a big deal. A patterned shirt or a shirt that is too light will reveal the outline of your gun under the fabric. Choosing a pattern that is too busy can also be problematic. It will distract a potential assailant from surveying your surroundings, and you don’t want to draw attention to yourself. Choosing a structured oversized shirt will help mitigate the printing of your weapon by giving the gun and holster more garments to grab onto. In addition, this will prevent your gun from snagging on the inside of your closed cover garment, which can result in a snag on your trigger guard and an accidental discharge. When shopping for CCW clothing for your pistol, it is crucial to take the time to choose a good fit. Too loose will show the shape of your pistol, and too tight will limit your ability to clear your cover garment and draw your weapon quickly.


The patterns of your cover garment play a big part in whether or not you’re successfully concealed. Plaids, stripes, florals, polka dots, and other patterned fabrics do an excellent job of masking the subtle changes to the natural draping of your shirt created by the gun and holster. A patterned shirt can also help distract a person from the location of your holster, which might otherwise be obvious if you’re carrying an IWB and using an inside-the-waistband holster. If you’re carrying IWB, remember to choose pants at least two sizes bigger than your usual size. Thin pants can be challenging when concealing a gun because they can make it harder to access the weapon by catching on your holster. In addition, thicker pants are less likely to snag on the trigger guard of your gun.


 Dressing for concealed carry is all about enabling you to conceal your firearm with clothing that works for you. If a garment prevents you from easily clearing your cover garment and accessing your gun, it won’t be a good choice for you. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a shirt that’s so loose that it hangs off your body, but it should not be tight enough that you struggle to move it when you want to conceal it. Loose-fitting clothing can also distract you from surveying your surroundings, as it will cause you to fiddle with your clothes constantly. This can give away your intention to carry a handgun, so be careful when choosing the right clothing for concealed carry.


Once you’ve sorted out your method of concealed carry and holster, it’s time to start thinking about clothes. Whether you’re IWB or OWB, the right clothing will make all the difference in your ability to conceal your firearm.

The key is to avoid printing. Printing is when the outline of your weapon is visible through your clothing. If someone sees it, they might think you’re carrying a gun and call the police, even if you’re legally allowed to do so. The best way to prevent printing is to wear loose-fitting shirts in thicker fabrics that don’t cling to the shape of your gun. Dark colors and patterns also help reduce printing by masking the outline. Another trick is buying a slightly oversized shirt; this mitigates gun printing by giving you extra garments to cover your weapon. 

Richard Brown


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