6 Benefits of Artificial Christmas Trees

Artificial Christmas Trees

You should purchase an artificial Christmas tree this holiday season for many reasons. They are less expensive, easy to store, and eco-friendly. You also won’t have to worry about cleaning them, as you can do it outside your home. Moreover, the artificial Christmas trees can be stored in sealed storage bags to prevent dust and moisture from penetrating the tree. Read on to learn more about the benefits of artificial Christmas trees.

Less expensive

Artificial Christmas trees cost less because they are made by different companies and can be white-labeled by large retailers. While artificial trees are less expensive, buying a real tree has some advantages. The tree will last for years, and you can decorate it as you wish. Another advantage is purchasing an artificial tree in colors and styles.

The price of a live Christmas tree is dependent on location and type. Purchasing an artificial tree is not necessarily cheaper, as an actual Christmas tree costs about $50-$100 more than an artificial one. However, artificial trees will basically last forever so you’d never have to buy one again. This in turn, will save you more money as you use the tree year after year. To find more information about artificial trees and costs you may check out resources like Balsam Hill tree reviews before purchasing to assist you.

Easy to store

An artificial Christmas tree can be stored in several ways to save floor space. One way is to stand it upright. You can keep it horizontally if you don’t plan on using it during the holiday season. In vertical storage, you need to secure and place it where pets won’t climb it. Home retailers like Hayneedle recommend placing it in a corner or a tree stand. For safe storage, you must remove the electrical cords and unplug them before storing.

If you have a pre-lit artificial Christmas tree, check the bulbs before storing them. The first strand of lights will start near the top. If you notice any burned-out bulbs, replace them and use replacement bulbs. This will make next year’s setup easier. Unlit trees can be stored in their boxes or bags. These steps will make your artificial Christmas tree easier to put together next year.


Artificial Christmas trees offer many advantages over their natural counterparts. For instance, they do not produce plastic and are 100% recyclable. However, the use-and-throw method is the least environmentally friendly. In the event of a tree’s demise, it will be shredded and turned into mulch or compost. Instead of contributing to landfill waste, it can be recycled or used as a flood defense in dune environments. Trees grown in pots are the most eco-friendly, and even those cut with their roots attached still make it through the holidays.

However, there are plenty of disadvantages to using an artificial Christmas tree. Aside from generating emissions, a real tree’s disposal is an even bigger problem. Although real trees can be reused, the water they use and greenhouse gas emissions produced by their disposal can be substantial. In addition, artificial Christmas trees are disposed of incinerators, which release toxic chemicals into the air. In contrast, real trees can be cut from local farms and potted by a local business, which minimizes the environmental impact.

Less time-consuming

If you’re looking for a great Christmas tree, you might consider an artificial tree. Aside from their appearance, they won’t rot or bother anyone allergic to pine. In addition, they’re easy to store.

According to resources like Balsam Hill reviews, you’ll be able to minimize your carbon footprint by choosing an artificial Christmas tree. You’ll enjoy it for years without the hassles of maintaining and caring for a real tree. Plus, a real tree is much more beautiful and lasts longer. You can donate or give it to a charity.

Safer for pets

An artificial Christmas tree is safer for pets than a real one. Several factors make a fake tree safer for pets. For starters, electrical cords and food decorations are not appropriate. Another important consideration is to place the fragile ornaments higher on the tree. Another essential precaution is to keep all electrical cords and lights out of reach. Then, use pet gates to prevent your pet from accessing the tree’s cords.

Pine needles can be harmful to pets. In addition to choking hazards, they can block the digestive tract. Similarly, artificial trees can cause intestinal obstructions. And pets are likely to chew on them as well. Therefore, limit your pets’ access to the area around the Christmas tree. If possible, place dog pens around the tree. Again, this is because your pet will likely chew on the ornaments. Likewise, avoid using edible decorations.

More realistic than a real tree

Aside from the cost, artificial Christmas trees have several advantages over their natural counterparts. They are much cleaner. Real trees shed needles, which can be uncomfortable for those with allergies, while artificial trees don’t. Moreover, artificial trees can be more cost-effective after a couple of years. Read on to learn more about the benefits of artificial Christmas trees. 

The most significant advantage of an artificial Christmas tree over a real one is its reusability. If you purchase a good, realistic model from a reputable brand, you can use it for several seasons. On the other hand, real Christmas trees are only good for one season and need daily maintenance. Also, they need watering. In addition, real trees are not safe for children, which is why they are more realistic than artificial ones.

Richard Brown


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