Having a baby is a huge change in someone’s life and one of the biggest life events that there is! It is a time for joy and celebration, and of course everyone wants to express their congratulations when they hear the news that a family member or a friend is expecting a new addition to the family.
Something that many parents will often hold is a baby shower – this is a good way to get all the people they love close to them and to have a celebration for the new arrival. These are usually held before the baby is born, and most people will take gifts with them.
If you have been invited to a baby shower and are not sure what gift to give, here are some ideas that could help you to get the perfect gift…
Something you have made – If you are feeling creative, why not make something? Homemade gifts always go down well as a lot of time and effort is spent making them with the person in mind. If you are someone who likes to be in the kitchen, maybe make some personalised cupcakes for the baby shower. Or if you are an avid knitter, make an item of clothing for the new baby or get something like these crochet blanket kits www.woolcouturecompany.com/collections/blanket-and-cushions-crochet-kits and make the baby some blankets.
Something Practical – Of course, the arrival of a new baby can be a shock to the system and a lot of hard work, so how about getting something that will make life a bit easier for the new parents. It might be a modern gadget, or it could be your own time – offer to babysit whilst they take some time for themselves once the baby has arrived or come round and make tea for them!
Something to Treasure – If you are looking for something special that can be treasured forever, why not get a special photo frame which can have a photo of the baby and parents in it once they are born. A memory box is also a great keepsake that can be kept and added to throughout the years as the baby grows up and passes key milestones in life.