What Cannabis Concentrates Do and Everything Else You Should Know

Cannabis concentrates contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive element in marijuana. They are made by distilling the most attractive portions of the cannabis plant, including the terpenes and cannabinoids found in cannabis flowers. You can opt to use solvents like alcohol or a solventless process to produce the concentrates.

Why a Solventless Process is Ideal 

Los Angeles solventless marijuana concentrates have a higher concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes than raw cannabis flowers. Unlike using solvents, the distillation process doesn’t tamper with terpenes and cannabinoids, hence retaining the scent and the flavor of the marijuana. 

Microscopic, gleaming structures called trichomes in the cannabis plant form the cannabis concentrate. You can vaporize and inhale the concentrates using a vape pen or dabbing.

What Is the Difference Between Concentrates and Extracts?

There is a difference between the two terms, though people commonly use them interchangeably. While Los Angeles solventless concentrates use mechanical or physical procedures to extract and gather trichomes, extracts are a form of concentrate produced with a solvent. Simply, all concentrates are extracts, but not all extracts are concentrates.

Vanilla extract, for example, is made by extracting the desired flavor component, vanillin, from vanilla bean pods using alcohol as a solvent. Concentrates manufactured without using solvents include kief, rosin, and dry sift.

The Effect of Consuming Concentrates

Concentrates have high levels of THC, which causes a high sensation. High concentrations of THC are likely to cause anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, and agitation. Choose an extract that will uplift your spirits and enjoy yourself. 

Richard Brown


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