After delivery, the baby leaves the womb, a welcoming and reassuring environment that protected him for nine months. In an instant you must activate the senses to deal with the outside world and quickly get used to the everyday; all this can create a bit ‘of nervousness in the child. So, it becomes important to attend a post-natal infant massage to accompany the baby in its growth path, facing the most of its small physical ailments.
What is the neonatal massage?
It is a moment in which the parent and the child creates a deep emotional bond, which passes through the visual and physical contact. The protagonist may be the mother but also the father, to make sure that both is able to establish a deep emotional bond with the child.
The infant massage can be done by following different techniques, but all have the same goal: to help the child to relax, to relieve his tensions and little ailments and feel at peace and tranquility.
The child must be completely naked, if possible without diaper. It is important fact that there is a direct contact between the hands of mom or dad and the skin of the small, to improve its sensory experience.
The areas of the body affected are mainly the legs, the legs, the belly and face. The massage to the legs and feet helps the child to fully relax and, as taught by the foot reflexology, pressure to specific points of the foot can bring major benefits to the whole organism. The massage tummy instead, helps him overcome the pain of colic. Then there are circular massages on the groin area that will help to eliminate the excess air in the intestine, thus preventing painful spasms. Finally, the facial massage, the time to maximum involvement from parents to children; in this case the advice is to always maintain a visual contact and to be very delicate.
What are the actual benefits of infant massage?
It helps to stimulate baby’s senses, regulates the circulatory system in addition to sleeping and waking rhythms and neurohormonal activity. A moment that involves an exchange of emotions, beneficial for the child to learn about parents using all the senses at its disposal: the eye contact to the touch of your hands, passing through listening to their voices and the smell of their skin.
To best perform the neonatal massage is useful to follow some small attentions: stay in a warm environment, avoid perfumed oils, remove rings and bracelets, to have clean hands, warm, with short nails; Then do not forget to support the baby on a soft floor and perform the massage between meals.
Finally, we specify that the manipulation techniques are taught by experienced operators that explain to Mom and Dad how to understand the child’s needs and how to help him overcome every little disturbance. Thus, there are specific neonatal massage courses, ideal for understanding how to donate welfare to its small and avoid generating the opposite effect and unnerve.
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