Fun Ways to Give New Life to Old Chairs

Who doesn’t have chairs around their house that are less than ideal? Let’s be honest, everyone’s ideal chair is the one on the beach overlooking the ocean, but, unless you just happen to be arranging for chair rentals Honolulu right now, that’s not your reality. The good news is that it’s not that hard to make your seating look better. With a little imagination, some paint, fabric or new accents, you can transform the look of furniture you thought you wanted to get rid of.

Create Something New

Really thinking outside the box is taking one thing and making it something different. If you have two chairs that you don’t need, why not create a loveseat? Don’t need any more seating? Try cutting off the back completely for a cute bar stool or even a side table.


Paint can do wonders for many things. Look around and take inspiration from everyday items like your favorite carbonated drink or a mason jar and recreate it with paint. Another cute idea for kids is to use glitter paint and make a princess chair or use metallic paint and make a chair rocket. Fun and whimsical don’t require precision and can also make the most adorable makeovers.


Did you inherit Aunt Mae’s old chintz-covered dining room chairs? That is probably not your style. No problem, just find some fabric you love and a staple gun and you’ve got a customized look for your home. Combine it with new paint and you can have a designer look on a shoestring.

Use in Unexpected Ways

Just because they are chairs, who said you have to sit on them? Reimagine those old ladderback chairs as unusual shelves. Put them on the wall and display folk art or household items. Use them in bathrooms to hold folded towels and use the bottom rung as a towel rack.

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