Designing a garden that flourishes takes time. With winter just around the corner, you’ll have a few months to brainstorm next year’s garden. If you’re new to the world of gardening, here are some basic ideas to help you create the flower bed of your dreams.
Make a Basic Diagram
Start by drawing a basic diagram of how you’d like your garden to look. Formulate an idea for placement of your plants and flowers. For example, taller plants in the back with smaller flowers in front so everything can be seen. If you prefer multiple gardens, figure out what you’d like in each one. Perhaps one for flowers and an herb garden close to the house. Take into account runoff from your roof and accessibility for watering and weeding.
Make a List of Supplies
Next, make a list of supplies you’ll need. Items like gardening gloves, small tools for digging and a garden hose. Mulch can keep your garden healthy and beautiful so keep mulch delivery Cincinnati in mind. This is especially helpful if you want several gardens and will save you from hauling heavy bags of mulch.
Get Colorful
When mapping out your garden, take into account the colors you prefer. Mix them with other shades that will compliment your home. Research the types of flowers native to your area and ones that will survive your type of winter.
Clean the Garden Bed Now
There are a few steps you can take during the fall to prep your garden for spring. As the cold weather descends, take time to remove dead brush from the area that will be your garden. If it’s an old garden plot, rake it clean and remove rocks and other debris. You may want to look into planting fall bulbs, too.
Reaping Rewards
Gardening is a wonderful hobby. You’ve embarked on a journey that will allow you hours of fresh air and sunshine. You’ll literally reap the rewards of your hard work.