Hypertension is the way to measure the force with which blood hits the walls of the arteries with each of the heart’s pumping.
The values considered normal are 120 as systolic blood pressure and 80 as diastolic blood pressure.
When these values are higher, they reach 140/90 or more, and occur repeatedly, we are faced with a case of high blood pressure or hypertension and it will be necessary to take measures to reduce it.
The most common is that they must resort to medications and make some changes in diet and lifestyle.
Undoubtedly, one of the best natural remedies to reduce hypertension is to eat a balanced diet. This means including foods that facilitate the correct pumping of blood and the elimination of harmful.
Among the recommended foods for reducing hypertension:
1. Banana
The banana is known to have:
- A large amount of nutrients.
- An energizing effect to regulate the body after doing any sports routine.
- High potassium content that helps regulate blood pressure.
For the three characteristics mentioned above, we recommend you include a banana in your daily diet. Ideally, you should also reduce the amount of sodium you consume.
Remember that this means adding less salt to your diet but also consuming less processed foods.
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2. Watermelon
Watermelon helps reduce hypertension naturally by its ability to widen blood vessels. This quality also reduces the risks of cardiovascular accidents.
Watermelon also provides L-citrulline and L-arginine, two amino acids that strengthen vascular tone and regulate blood pressure.
Has your doctor told you that your blood pressure levels are high but a serious hypertension problem has not yet developed?
Luckily, you have time to avoid complications, and including a portion of this fruit can be a great help.
3. Bitter gourd
The bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is a tropical fruit full of minerals and vitamins (A, B5, B6, C, and E).
Besides helping to control diabetes and improve digestion, it is useful to take care of cardiovascular health, because it allows lowering blood pressure in a simple and natural way.
However, this fruit should be consumed in moderation because it can have side effects such as:
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Abortions
- Increase glucose levels
However, after consultation with the specialist, it may be an option to consider to reduce hypertension.
4. Indian gooseberry
Indian gooseberry ( Phyllanthus emblica) or amla is rich in vitamin C because it has 20 times more vitamin than orange.
Among the qualities of this vitamin are:
- It is a powerful antioxidant that fights the effect of free radicals in the body.
- Reduces total lipids, since it lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
In Ayurvedic medicine, it is considered a miraculous fruit, given its large number of positive properties for the body.
For this reason, it has been used for thousands of years to promote the proper functioning of the digestive tract, the arteries, revitalize liver function and purify the blood.
5. Spinach
Spinach contains organic nitrates. When these nitrates make contact with the bacteria in the mouth they form nitric oxide, which has vasodilating properties.
This favors the functioning of the arteries and allows the blood to flow better, which prevents tamponade by clots.
If you consume a good portion of spinach a day, you decrease the chances of having a cardiovascular accident and hypertension.
A good option is to take a shake that is based on a cup of spinach. You will feel full of energy and free of hypertension problems.
6. Ground flaxseed
The flaxseed ground often used in the preparation of bread or sprinkled on salads. In recent years it has become a cereal widely used for being rich in omega 3 and soluble and insoluble fiber.
All the above makes it a great ally for:
- Reduce hypertension.
- Reduce cholesterol levels.
- Improve heart health
7. Oat bran
Oats and wheat bran are two bowls of cereal with high soluble fiber content.
In the particular case of oats, we have a cereal rich in potassium and calcium. These two nutrients play a major role in reducing hypertension.
The soluble fiber that we obtain when consuming these cereals allows:
- Decrease the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood
- Improves insulin sensitivity
- Reduces hypertension
- Help maintain a healthy weight
Hypertension that can become serious if we do not take measures to control it in time. Luckily, making small changes towards a healthier lifestyle can be all you need.
Include the foods that we just mentioned and a daily exercise session and you will see that hypertension disappears in a short time.
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