Getting a well-groomed and marked belly is one of the main motivations of different athletes to start exercising regularly. Whether it is to aspire to a flat belly or a marked belly, it is a process that costs effort, time and therefore, patience and constant discipline, but the bases to complement are very similar. That’s why we present 5 keys to strengthen and mark your abs:
1 · Control over carbohydrates
It has been said many times before those carbohydrates are the enemy and not quite true. It is not at all advisable to cut drastically the contribution of carbohydrates to the body, and even less when we talk about a diet in which it is important that a proper metabolism prevents us from having the temptation to go pecking. Also, suppressing these foods will give us a feeling of tiredness and we will be in a bad mood. Check
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We must not forget that they are a vital part of our food pyramid and that cannot be changed since our brains constantly require them to function properly. As with everything, the key is to use them properly, and for that, we must know our natural metabolism, be sincere with our diet base and commit to the new one we choose. A great example is a contribution first thing in the morning and another after the workouts.
2 · Eat more fat
As mentioned before, fat is not fattened. What makes you fat is to overeat. In fact, a consumption of fat in the daily diet will help to curb cravings and hunger after the consumption of carbohydrates has been reduced. The fats help curb hunger because the body takes longer to break down, use and/or store fat. In addition, mention that fats are usually accompanied by sources of protein, without which the muscular performance is hampered, so the consumption of both united is recommended as long as it is in healthy doses.
3 · Substitute fruits for vegetables
One of the many myths about doing sports is to think that fruit intake is vital and obligatory, and not exactly so. The fruit is great; full of nutrients and antioxidants to protect the body, but the problem is that in turn, they are also a huge load of sugars.
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How can we preserve all those benefits and do without so much sugar? Swap fruits for vegetables. An apple has about 125 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates while a large red pepper has 40 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates. Do accounts.
This strategy will help you maintain nutrients and antioxidants while reducing a level of sugar, antioxidants, and carbohydrates.
4 · Abdominal exercises with added weight
Do not forget that to have a belly marked the most important thing is to exercise. The more you exercise, the more you will mark the muscles you worked with. It is not so much crushing the cardio machines as sitting down to do a few sets of sit-ups or other exercises to maintain a demanding form. The cardio reduces the weight increases and marks.
The muscle is gained by exercising what you do (especially when you progressively bring it to the limit of your abilities), so running will help you reduce fat, but that will not complete the cycle if you are looking to score abs. With cardio, it is not possible to stimulate the muscle like when weights are made, so it is recommended to organize abdominal exercises with weights regularly, between 3 and 4 times a week. Preferably we recommend the gym, as it is the variety of exercises (in a variety of machines) which forces the muscle, which forces it to grow. Test at 20-minute intervals between fast and slow abdominal exercises.
5 · Discard distillates
A serious athlete who intends to lose weight and get a marked shape seriously raises the use of alcohol to know its effects on the body. It makes the fat accumulate instead of turning it into energy, since essentially; it is a break in the digestion of your last meal until the liver can excrete the alcohol. It also affects two other areas. On the one hand, being a diuretic, it dehydrates in potency and reduces energy levels. On the other hand, it can decrease testosterone in the body, something essential for the development of the muscles.
However, there are well-measured drinks that can be beneficial in other respects, although use will always depend on one’s own judgment.
In any case, we recommend that, If you go out partying, combine the consumption of beers or spirits with a dietary soda. Then opt for mineral water with gas and lime, so you will rehydrate and recover the salts necessary to restore balance to your body.
Do not forget that the bases are still something that we already knew before: maintaining a balanced diet and an exercise routine for the abdomen to make time have its effects. The body is a temple and we have to take care of it, we have to respect it, and in case we do something that we know it hurts, acts accordingly to reform it. That is the basis for achieving not only a marked belly but overall physical health.