Healthy nutritionThe key lies in body energy food. But of all the foods that make up all the delicacies of the world, none is perfect. At least 45 different chemical elements, and their compounds, are the essence of a balanced meal: the foods that contain the most of them, in the most appropriate proportions, are nutritious. Also, find a registered dietitian in your area.
The easiest way to study foods is to catalog the chemicals they contain in six main groups of substances found in foods in various proportions: in vitamin nutrients, salts, and minerals.
Our body needs these compounds; Carbohydrates, water, fats, proteins, and nutrients mentioned above that benefit the human being.

What sources of food does our human body need?
Carbohydrates: These provide energy and vitality to our body, but the body can survive with very few of them, provided that eat other foods. In the process of digestion, complex carbohydrates are released into glucose and are absorbed into the bloodstream to combine with oxygen. In this combination, energy is released, forming water and carbon dioxide as residual products. Bread, cereals, potatoes, bananas, cakes and anything that contains sugar is rich in carbohydrates.
Water: In every food, we consume the largest component is water, half a liter of milk have more than 87 percent water. Half the weight of the human body, and of all living things, is water. On average, we lose 2.5 liters of water with sweat and urine, it is recommended to ingest 1.5 with meals.
Fats: They provide body energy, and are found in abundance in butter, oils, and fried foods, in meat and some fish, chocolate and ice cream. Also, fats are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but they are more than just substituted for carbohydrates, as they play an essential role in the cellular mechanism and are critical for insulation to generate heat. Like the hydrates, the fats are “burned” with oxygen, to give off energy, besides water and carbon dioxide.
Proteins: These nutrients are in; Fish, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, peas, etc., are foods rich in proteins, which are actually the essential compounds of the organism. They benefit the new cells that determine growth and replace those that die. Likewise, proteins contribute to the constitution of the body’s various defense mechanisms, against infections and diseases. The energy produced in food is measured by units called calories. On average, man needs 3,000 calories per day, this figure may be higher for an athlete and lower for an employee who works sitting.
Vitamins: Although needed in small quantities, vitamins mean the balance between life and death. They act as delicate maintainers of the internal balance of cells; More than 40 classes are known, but the most important are those that are called by the initials A, B, C, D, E, K and none can be manufactured by the human body, with the elements that integrate it. Vitamin A is found in liver and butter, among others.
Without it, the human being could become ill of nocturnal blindness, skin fragility and general ailments. Vitamin B is made up of several individual substances. They are found in cereals, vegetables and prevent diseases of the heart, nervous system, anemia, etc. They are found in meat and vegetables. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and vegetables, green vegetables. Prevent diseases such as; The flu and bronchitis. Vitamin D, found in fish, some milk, vegetables, and legumes, also factory the body when the epidermis, is exposed to the sun.
Minerals: They help the body to make new cells and chemical reactions that occur within them. Almost all foods contain enough minerals for our needs. They are found in liver, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, cereals, and vegetables.
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